A love story only God could write
A good story is not often an efficient one… so it goes with our story. But we believe it’s a love story only God could write. And we are so thankful for the path God has had for us and how he brought us back together after seasons of growth while we were apart.
We met for the first time when I moved back to Wausau in the Spring of 2021 and started looking for a house with the highly-recommended real estate rockstar Austin Solomon. His demeanor was far gentler than I expected for how many signs his face was on around town. Austin was kind and unhurried. Because I don’t have to worry about “playing it cool” anymore, I’ll admit - I was intrigued after our first meeting. (Maggie)
For a while, I thought Maggie was coming to the house showings from work, but then I learned she worked from home (at that point) most days. Here she was getting a little “gussied up.” (Austin)
Our first date included paddleboarding, trying out Austin’s stand-up jetski, which I apparently did well enough to be a little impressive, Briqs ice cream, and talking for a long time while sitting by the water. It was the best first date! Austin was lowkey at the house showings and sometimes quieter around other people. The first date was really fun, but I also loved how naturally our conversations flowed in the one-on-one dynamic. (Maggie)
We dated for a few months and, while it was a sweet dynamic and we had a lot of fun together, we broke up. Maggie had some questions about my prioritization of my career and my walk with the Lord. The conversation wasn’t easy. Hearing about how she saw me hurt. In the moment, I knew it would be hard to stay together and grow. But that night, I surrendered real estate to the Lord and began the process of placing my identity in Christ. (Austin)
A few months later, Sam and Hannah (my older brother and sister-in-law) were looking for house with Wausau-area’s best realtor, Austin Solomon. Sam and Austin had been friends for a while, and since the breakup, they’d gotten closer again. Sam told me that Austin had been really growing in his faith and that I should maybe think again about dating Austin. Being fans of the idea, Sam and Hannah insisted I come along to a few of the house showings. It wasn’t super awkward around Austin at the showings. It was really nice to be around him again. I remember one of the showings we stood after and got talking. Everyone else was clearly ready to get going with the day but we were very content right there in a stranger’s living room. (Maggie)
I had grown! And I was still intrigued by Maggie... After those few showings with Sam and Hannah, I asked Maggie if she’d be up for grabbing dinner. Thankfully she said yes. We met at one of our favorites, Red Eye, and it was really sweet to reconnect and hear how she’d be doing. I shared with her how the conversation we had in the fall was really hard, but it was a needed catalyst in my walk with the Lord. “I surrendered real estate to the Lord that same night.” (Austin)
It was awesome to hear how the Lord had opened Austin’s heart and eyes through that conversation. I’ve been through other breakups, and the pain of hurting someone else is awful, regardless of how clear the decision is. I knew that breakup conversation was painful, so hearing Austin say he invited the Lord into a realm he’d previously walled off the night we broke up because of our conversation was like - wow, the Lord is so kind to use that for so much good. (Maggie)
We started dating again and resumed the fun we had together before but also enjoyed a new depth in our dynamic as we had deeper conversations about faith. Talking about those topics was a little uncomfortable for a while because I knew Maggie had gone to seminary and had a depth of education. But the more we opened up to each other, the more I grew in appreciating her insights… (Austin)
You’d be here reading all day if we included all the details in the world, so I’ll jump to the next big event. The longer Austin and I dated, the more insecure and anxious I felt. Looking back on that tumultuous season, I have way more clarity on what the root issues were. But at the time, I was confused. I consistently questioned if Austin really loved me, and I was trying to answer that question by analyzing his every move. Not a very helpful approach - surprise surprise. This is where it gets pretty humbling for me because I like to think I’m a pretty aware person. But the chaotic mess I felt stuck in was far more of my own fault than Austin’s. Sure, my perpetual questioning hurt him, and he’d often respond by pulling back. Now I don’t blame him. No one likes to feel like a perpetual failure. After a long stretch of roller coaster riding (and lots of hard conversations together, with mentors, family, friends) our future wasn’t coming together like I hoped it would. (Maggie)
It’s hard to boil it all down, but that’s a fair recap. I’d add that I really did love Maggie, but her questioning of that landed heavy. I knew one of the pain points for her was that I wasn’t ready to move forward toward marriage, but it’s because I’d often think, “If this is what marriage will be like, if this is how I’d often feel, I don’t think that sounds too good. I don’t think this is how it should be.” Looking back, I could have communicated that more clearly instead of being afraid to hurt Maggie. We both have things we would have done differently, but at the time, we really were trying our best to figure it out. (Austin)
So in September of 2023, we broke up again. I thought I’d be more emotionally prepared because of what the previous few months looked like, but I was deeply sad. I really had wanted it to marry Austin and for things to come together for us. I still believe it was the right choice and that the peace I experienced to go through with the breakup was genuinely from the Lord. (Maggie)
It was a very thought-out and prayed over decision for both of us, and while I may not have been quite as ready to call it quits, I remember both agreeing, “If the Lord would have for us to get married, I think there would be a lot more peace in our relationship.” (Austin)
It wasn’t until months and months later that I really had clarity why we didn’t have peace. Spring and summer of 2024 was a heart-level revealing season for me. The Lord graciously revealed my longstanding assistance of an ideal romantic relationship stemmed from a chronic misperception of God’s love for me. Without realizing it, I believed God loved me more because he had to, not out of delight. Through a variety of situations, God showed me that this summer. It was a really hard season of wrestling and very humbling. I like to think I’m pretty spiritually solid, self aware, and theologically accurate. But hey - “What makes you so special?” With this deep spiritual realization, my heart sunk. “This is where all my expectations on Austin were coming from.” But at that point, it felt too late, and I was confused by the Lord’s timing to provide such insight. Little did I know what the Lord had around the corner! (Maggie)
The time apart for me was heart revealing, too, but in a different way. Maggie dated another guy for a little while in the winter, and I was surprised by my reaction to watching that. After I learned they broke up, I started asking the Lord to bring us back together. I saw our relationship through a different lens - that the good aspects of our dynamic were worth processing through the more challenging things. Months went by without seeing Maggie around much, and I knew, yes, I could sit back and pray for this and wait/hope God would just make it happen. But I also saw my role in it differently. I could be more proactive and ask for the Lord to bring us back together while also trying to engage in conversations when I’d see her at church. (Austin)
I’m so thankful Austin is a patient man and entrusted the timeline to the Lord along with his desire to get back together. I was absolutely clueless, which was needed because the Lord had me on a totally different path. If we had reconnected any sooner, it would have been the same hot mess of looking to Austin to be a functional savior - to make me feel loved, cherished, secure, etc. (Maggie)
On a Sunday in July, I followed Maggie out of church to see if we could just have a conversation. And we stood there and talked for a long time as people streamed in for the second service. Conversation went all over the place, and I updated her on the different projects I’d accomplished since she’d last seen the house. I said it’d be fun if she could see it all. She shared excitement, and threw out there, “Well, I could see it. I mean, I don’t have anything going on right now.” So she followed me back to my house. (Austin)
The contrast in our dynamic was so evident - and not just to us. It quieted the very warranted caution of our families and friends. It’s been really sweet to get to share what the Lord has done in my heart (and I know in Austin’s heart, too) and how his work has made all the difference in our relationship. When we got back together, it was met with, “Wow, really?!” And I didn’t blame anyone for that reaction because I knew it could appear to be fueled by loneliness or whatever, but I had experienced such deep help from the Lord. And people’s reactions provided opportunities to talk about the Lord’s faithfulness despite my unawareness and idolatry. (Maggie)
Okay, if you’ve made it this far, you truly deserve all the gelato our wedding will have (shameless plug). In January, I asked Maggie’s dad, Dennis, to grab breakfast, and I asked for his blessing to marry Maggie. We had a great time talking, and he was very encouraging to me and warmly gave his blessing. And that same morning, I asked Maggie to go ring shopping. She was over the moon, evidenced by some big squeals, and we had a lot of fun designing her dream ring. (Austin)
So I knew the proposal was coming soon. As weeks passed, I was increasingly on high alert - guilty as charged. Valentine’s Day weekend, we went to Red Eye for dinner Friday night, and Austin said he had a surprise for me to show me later. When we were just hanging out at his house after dinner, he came around the corner holding a pair of hiking boots (ice bugs if you’re looking for a great winter hiking option). I’ve told him about these boots for years, and I was so happy he bought himself a pair and knew I’d consider it a big gift to me. (Maggie)
“Would you be up for a hike tomorrow?” (Austin)
“Yes!” (and “hmmmm this seems like it could be something” ran through my head). We had a sweet morning together sampling gelato flavors and walking around downtown. Austin was really chill, so even though I thought a proposal might be coming, he was pretty discrete, even the hike felt like it just naturally flowed in the course of the day. (Maggie)
We were about a minute from getting into the base of the quarry on Rib Mountain when a couple of ladies stopped us and gave us a heads up there were a couple of “professional photographers” up ahead. I said nothing. Maggie said, “Well, they picked a pretty day!” (Austin)
Yea, suspicions were confirmed in that moment, but I just rolled with it. And as we did a loop in the base of the quarry, Austin stopped my trudging by proposing! (I know - you’re also so surprised!) But it was really sweet. He told me sweet things that are a blur now, got down on one knee, and asked me to marry him. I for sure barely let him get his words out before I blurted “Yes!” (Maggie)
The professional photographers, Maggie’s dad and sister-in-law, Hannah, waved from up above - the plan was a success! They captured some awesome pictures and met us for a few more pictures before hiking together back to the house. (Austin)
And we walked in to a full house of our families hanging out - they’d scurried to set out dinner, snacks, and decorations. It was a great evening of celebrating with everyone. Austin did a great job making sure they all could be there to celebrate with us - he knew how much that mattered to me. (Maggie)
So the countdown to May 10th could become official! We’ve been planning since ring shopping and are thankful a great date, venues, family, and friends were available on pretty short notice. (Austin)
If you read all of this, you’re really sweet. Once I got reflecting and writing our story, I couldn’t cut it short. This has been just as much for me as for anyone else. In the midst of planning our special day, it’s been really sweet to sit back and really remember what the Lord has done, where he’s brought us, and how kind he’s been through the ups and downs. And as a sweet friend reminded me, this is really just the beginning of the story God is writing in our lives, and I am so deeply thankful we get to be in each other’s stories for the long-run. The Lord’s gift of Austin to me is one of the best gifts I’ve received. I am so excited for our wedding AND for life together. I know it won’t be perfect or easy. And I’m thankful I’ve already experienced the pain of trying to make Austin be something to me he was never intended to be. I already have a perfect and sufficient Savior - I don’t need another. I wouldn’t have thought the Lord would give this kind of gift to me right after the insights the Lord showed me, but I am so deeply thankful for the Lord’s timing and his deep kindness and generosity. (Maggie)
We’re so excited to celebrate this story - a love story only God could write - with you so soon!
Driving over to his house, I was just like what the heck is happening? But while getting ready for church that morning, I just had this sense that I’d talk to Austin that day. I had missed him deeply on and off since we broke up. And the other dates/relationship revealed the extent to which I really did love him and how amazing of a man God has made him to be. But I just had no idea he had second thoughts about the relationship. I was so content to talk for as long as possible at church and was mix of nervous and excited for more time at his house. (Maggie)
Seeing the projects was for sure secondary to catching up, and as we stood in my kitchen, I asked, “So, how have the last few months been for you?” I was so surprised to hear Maggie’s response - “Ya know, it’s actually been pretty tough. I thought I’d be feeling better by the spring/summer and the Lord has had me on quite the journey of seeing my own heart more clearly. It’s been good because it’s been needed. And I am starting to feel more like myself again, but I do want to say that I’m sorry. I see now that I was looking to you to be my everything, and I know that must have put a lot of pressure on you and our dynamic. I’m sure that was really hurtful, and I’m sorry.” (Austin)
I didn’t know if I’d have the opportunity to articulate that any other time. On par with Austin’s merciful character and heart, his response was warm, grateful, and forgiving. It was a really sweet conversation and time together, but I still didn’t know what was going on! (Maggie)
I figured I needed to move quickly - I know Maggie well and have learned she appreciates some “pace” to these matters. I texted her later that day and asked if she’d be open to spending more time together soon to share what the Lord had been up to. She agreed and we put it on the calendar to paddleboard the next weekend. (Austin)
That was the longest week ever, but our time paddleboarding and catching up was awesome. We really put it all out there with what the last (almost) year had entailed - good, bad, and ugly. I’ve always appreciated knowing that I can be really vulnerable with Austin, and I’m not going to scare him away. And what a great joy to hear him say that he’d been praying for the Lord to bring us back together! We had talked briefly at church on a Monday night in the Spring, and I was left with this resounding “I need to be with him!” sense. Finally we could talk about that conversation and learn we were sharing a STRONG wavelength during and after that interaction. And here we were, months later after a lot of individual processing and prayer, reconnecting and seeing the story the Lord had been writing when we were apart. (Maggie)
We started dating AGAIN and really from the onset, we saw the differences in our dynamic. After working through the different insecurities, there was space to experience peace and delight in each other. What a good gift from our faithful God. I told her pretty early on that I didn’t think we’d date for too long before getting engaged. (Austin)
And the story will continue!
We know this is just the beginning of what God has for us together, and we can’t wait to celebrate with our family and friends soon.